2022. Registration and Submission of Works

The Organizing Committee invites graduate students, professors, researchers and researchers in visual arts, visual culture and related areas, to participate in the V SIPACV: (en)volver, to be held from December 6 to 9, 2022.

The registration (in the “listener” or “presentation of works” modalities) will take place exclusively through the Even3 platform <https://www.even3.com.br/vsipacv2022>.

Registration for the event in the listener mode will take place from August 22 to December 4, 2022.

The submission of articles and/or expanded abstracts (in the case of visual narratives) will take place from August 22 to September 30, 2022.

Only works submitted exclusively through the Even3 platform will be accepted.
Works sent by other means or after the deadline will NOT be received and processed.

Papers can be submitted in three languages ​​(Portuguese, English or Spanish). Presentations can also be made in these same languages. We emphasize that there will be no simultaneous translation in the oral presentations.

The template files (templates) FOR SUBMISSION can be downloaded here:

- Model file for Full Article:

- Template file for Expanded Abstract (in the case of visual narratives)

Below are the thematic axes of the V SIPACV: (en)volver:
Axis A) Image, Culture and Artistic Production (PPGACV-UFG research line)
Axis B) Artistic Poetics and Creation Processes (PPGACV-UFG research line)
Axis C) Education, Art and Visual Culture (PPGACV-UFG research line)
Axis D) Art and interpretative practices (Facultad de Artes-UDELAR research line)
Axis E) Art and Representation Policies (Facultad de Artes-UDELAR research line)
Axis F) Visual Culture Studios and conditions for contemporary artistic creation and production (IENBA-UDELAR research line)
Axis G) Visual Narratives

For more details and information, access the Public Notice of the V SIPACV.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/v.sipacv

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sipacv 




