
from the 26th to 29th of November, 2024

VII SIPACV: in-visibilidades


It is with great enthusiasm that we present the VII International Seminar on Research in Art and Visual Culture (VII SIPACV), an event that has been consolidated for years as a space for exchanges, reflections and advances in the arts field and visual culture. This year we bring an intriguing theme: in-visibilities. This choice dates back to the last edition of the seminar, held in the charming city of Montevideo, in Uruguay. It was there, among memories of past events, glasses of wine and a sea of ​​ideas, that we, the professors Lilian, Carla, Alice and Flávio, idealized this theme that would guide us in this year of 2024.

The theme of in-visibilities invites us to explore the various layers of things that are opaque, neglected or intentionally made invisible. This term appears at a time when it is urgent to question and problematize power structures, hegemonic discourses and dominant narratives that shape our perception of the world through our eyes. As Michel Foucault (1987, p. 166) states, “visibility is a trap”, and it is in this game of visibilities and invisibilities that we find the need to challenge and deconstruct these traps.

The theme was inspired by references that encourage us to think about the image not just as representation, but as something that challenges us, confronts us and provokes us. How invisible does a large part of what is visible remains? In this sense, the image carries layers of intelligibility and ambiguities, revealing and hiding at the same time. It is in this game of presence and absence, transparency and opacity, visualities and countervisualities that we find a powerful resource for rethinking our relationship with the visual world. With this Seminar, we wish to expand the debates on these issues, bringing perspectives that deal with visibilities and invisibilities in a continuous and complex dynamic.

VII SIPACV is the result of collective and passionate work, involving teachers, students, artists and researchers who, with their contributions, enrich each edition of the event. This year, the Organization Committee worked hard to ensure that this Seminar continues to be a welcoming and stimulating space for all participants.

The event has a diverse program, including lectures, round tables, work presentations, exhibitions and cultural fairs. Each activity was carefully designed to encourage dialogue, the exchange of experiences and the development of new ideas and projects. In addition, we will have the presence of invited people, national and international, who will share their research and practices, further enriching the discussions.

We recognize VII SIPACV not only as an academic event, but also an invitation to reflection and action. We want the Seminar to be a space of resistance, insurgency and transformation, where we can rethink our practices, our knowledge and our actions in the field of visual arts, education, poetics and visual culture. We hope that, throughout these days, we can collectively build new paths, new visions and new possibilities, offering a sensitive and provocative look at in-visibilities.

We thank everyone who, in some way, contributed to the realization of this seminar: colleagues from the Organization Committee, speakers, participants, partner institutions and, especially, each one of you who honored us with your presence and participation. May the VII SIPACV be an inspiring experience!

We welcome everybody to the VII Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Arte e Cultura Visual.


Organization committee
VII Seminário Internacional de Pesquisa em Arte e Cultura Visual


Even3: https://www.even3.com.br/vii-sipacv-2024/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sipacv






