Guest Speakers

Opening date, 12/06/22 Closing date, 12/09/22
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María Elena Lucero has a PhD in Humanities and Arts, with a mention in Fine Arts and a Post-Doctorate from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), Argentina.

Professor at the Seminario de Arte Latinoamericano y de Problemática del Arte Latinoamericano del Siglo XX (Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, UNR). Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA), Brazil, at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia and at the University of Concepción, Chile.

Director of the Doctorate in Visual Art and Culture, at the Graduate School (FHUMyAR-UNR). Member of the Doctoral Committee in Humanities and Arts (FHUMyAR-UNR). Member of the Postdoctoral Program Committee (UNR). Director of the Centro de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericano, based at the Instituto de Estudios Críticos en Humanidades (Unidad Ejecutora UNR-CONICET). Founding member of the Red de Estudios Visuales Latinoamericano. Member of the Editorial Committee of the magazines Artefacto Visual (España) and NO-iMAGEN (Chile).

Compiler of publications specializing in contemporary art, visual culture and feminism. Author of "Memorias de Brasil y Cuba. Decolonial gestures, feminist practices", HyA Ediciones, Rosario (2019). Editor of the Dossier “Feminismos y Cultura Visual. Imaginaries of a daily life in transformation” with Paula Bertúa, Revista Artefacto Visual, # 13 (2022).

Curator of individual and group exhibitions at the Museo de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino, at the OSDE Foundation and at the Museo de la Memoria, Rosario, Argentina.

Mediation: Juan Ospina Alvarez

Rosane Borges is a journalist and collaborating researcher at the Multidisciplinary Center for Research in Collaborative Creations and Digital Languages ​​(COLABOR), linked to the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP).

She holds a PhD and a master's degree in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo. His research, his communications and his writings approach, from the field of Communication, themes such as race and gender, as well as other Brazilian problems.

She is the author of the books "Fragmentos do tempo presente" (2021), "Esboços de um tempo presente" (2016), and "Sueli Carneiro" (2009).

He organized the collections "Mídia e racism" (2012), with Roberto Carlos da Silva Borges, and "Mirror infidel: o negro no journalism Brasileiro" (2004), with Flávio Carrança.

He prefaced the Brazilian editions of the books "In Search of the Gardens of Our Mothers: Womanist Prosa" (2021), by Alice Walker, and "Black Looks: Race and Representation" (2019), by bell hooks.

He is a columnist for Carta Capital Digital Magazine and Editora Boitempo's blog. She writes regularly on the Jornalistas Livres news portal.

Mediation: Jocy Meneses dos Santos Junior







